English, asked by nandinionandu087, 7 months ago

she was killed in a criminal way​


Answered by bpatwal

the question makes no sense there are many terms of killing A.K.A ways of killing and by my study of this question there is no way of killing in a criminal way

assassination NOUN

the murder of a famous or important person, especially for political reasons

butchery NOUN

the cruel and violent killing of a lot of people

constructive manslaughter NOUN

the crime of committing an unlawful act that results in an unintended death. It is also known as unlawful act manslaughter.

contract NOUN

INFORMAL an agreement by which someone is paid to kill another person

corporate manslaughter NOUN

the crime of killing someone unintentionally that is committed by a company or an organization

culpable homicide NOUN

in Scottish, South African, or Indian law, the crime of killing someone illegally but without intending or planning to kill them

elimination NOUN

the murder of someone who is considered to be a problem

euthanasia NOUN

the practice of killing a very old or very ill person without causing them pain. When someone in this condition asks to be killed, the practice is called voluntary euthanasia.

femicide NOUN

the crime of killing a woman or girl

foul play NOUN

violence or criminal actions that cause someone’s death

fratricide NOUN

FORMAL the crime in which someone kills their own brother

genocide NOUN

acts committed with the intention to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group

gross negligence manslaughter NOUN

in England and Wales, the crime of committing an extremely careless and irresponsible act that causes an unintended death

hit NOUN

INFORMAL a murder that a criminal does for someone else, usually for money

homicide NOUN

MAINLY AMERICAN the crime of killing someone

honour killing NOUN

the murder of a woman by a male relative because he believes that she has damaged the family’s image

infanticide NOUN

the crime of killing a baby or a very young child

involuntary manslaughter NOUN

in England and Wales, the crime of committing a reckless or careless act that results in an unintended death. The two main types of involuntary manslaughter under English law are constructive manslaughter and gross negligence manslaughter.

justifiable homicide NOUN

a case in which killing someone is not a crime, for example because you were defending yourself

killing NOUN

an act in which someone is deliberately killed

manslaughter NOUN

the crime of causing someone’s death illegally but either without intending to or with reasons that cause it to be less serious than murder

massacre NOUN

the action of killing of a lot of people

matricide NOUN

the crime of killing your mother

murder NOUN

the crime of killing someone deliberately

parricide NOUN

the murder of a parent or other close relative

patricide NOUN

the crime of killing your father

regicide NOUN

the act of killing a king

slaughter NOUN

the violent killing of a large number of people

slaying NOUN

MAINLY AMERICAN an act of killing someone

strangulation NOUN

the action of strangling a person or animal

unlawful act manslaughter NOUN

constructive manslaughter

voluntary manslaughter NOUN

in England and Wales, the crime of killing someone intentionally but under circumstances which mean it is not a murder, for example diminished responsibility or loss of control

war crime NOUN

the crime of killing or harming people during a war for reasons that are not allowed by international laws about war

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