English, asked by prachi7357, 6 months ago

She was the founder of missionaries of charity. She served the poor , orphaned and sick people suffering from HIV/AIDS, leprosy etc all her life. She received the Nobel peace prize in 1979 and Bharat in 1980.​

Sanaayaan354gmailcom: bye
prachi7357: bye
prachi7357: take care


Answered by Sanaayaan354gmailcom


Mother Teresa


I hope it's not a wrong answer

prachi7357: correct
Sanaayaan354gmailcom: thanks
prachi7357: It's okay
Answered by vijaymihra514


Her new name was Teresa. In India she received a second call from God: to help the poor while living among them. She founded a new sisterhood, Missionaries of Charity. Mother Teresa and her helpers built homes for orphans, nursing homes for lepers and hospices for the terminally ill in Calcutta.

Died: 5 September 1997, Calcutta, India (now British India (now India))

Role: Leader of Missionaries of Charity, Calcutta

Born: 26 August 1910, Uskup (now Skopje), Ottoman Empire (now Republic of Mace...

prachi7357: hello
Sanaayaan354gmailcom: hi
prachi7357: how are you bhai?
prachi7357: Hii
Sanaayaan354gmailcom: Iam fine
Sanaayaan354gmailcom: Iam a girl
Sanaayaan354gmailcom: not a boy
prachi7357: sorry mujhe lga ki
Sanaayaan354gmailcom: it's ok
prachi7357: bye
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