Shippers owner consultation arrangements in india leave much scope for improvement.
The organisational set up for consultation arrangements on shipping matters of Interest In India consists of regional level shippets associations and AU India Shippers Council :AISC), an apex body of Indian shippers at national level. 'The Government of India set up the Freight Investigation Burean of India (FIB) as a,department within the Directorate General of Shipping (DGS) la 1959, Mumbai with centers at Chennai, Kolkata and Cochin, The FIB which now stands merged in the D.O.S. was vested with the responsibility of keeping a constant watch on the activities of liner shipping companies conferences in matters of freight rates, shipping space, shipping facilities, etc. The FIB was instrumental in organising the shippers at regional level and, as a result, a beginning was made toward$ establishment of shippers associations in early 1960% when the first such association came into being in Western India. Presently, following five shippers associations are in existence which provide institutional set up for resolving shippers'