Shivaji Maharaj established swaraj in Maharashtra. What does swaraj means ?
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In the first half of the seventeenth century, an epoch making personality emerged in Maharashtra- Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. He established Swaraj by challenging the unjust ruling powers here.
Swaraj means Self-rule.
Shivaji, the creator of the Maratha Empire, is credited with coining the phrase Hindavi Swarajya (Hindav Svarjya; "self-rule of Hindu people," implying independence from foreign domination). The name "swarajya" became widely used after Shivaji's passing, replacing "Hindavi" with "Maratha." In Maharashtra, swaraj was founded by Shivaji Maharaj. The term "hindavi swarajya" (meaning "self-rule of the Indian people, or independence from foreign rule") refers to sociopolitical movements that want to deprive the Indian subcontinent of foreign military and political influence.
The Maratha Empire's founder Shivaji used the expression for the first time in a letter written in 1645 CE.