Short Answel JP
1. Give reasons for the following:
(a) Arteries have thick and elastic muscular walls.
(b) Arteries are not easily seen.
(C)Veins have thin and less elastic muscular walls.
(a) Arteries carry blood away from the heart to the rest of the body and are doing so with a lot of pressure.
Hence the walls of the arteries are thick to enable it to withstand the blood pressure. They are elastic so that they can retain their original shape.
They do not have valves. Also as the pressure is so intense, the blood will never flow back.
(b) Because they are present much deeper below in the skin and if in case of vein they are easily visible.
And main reason why they are present deeper is that they are the only pathways for the blood to reach other organs so they must be protected first.
(c) The walls of the arteries are found to be thicker than that of a vein because the blood that is carried from the heart to the capillaries has more high pressure. Arteries need thicker walls to prevent the arteries from collapsing.
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