Science, asked by simarsingh2204, 11 months ago

Short answer type questions

1. How do substances get transported in hydra?​


Answered by aysha74

Sponges and hydra live in water and do not have blood or any circulatory system. ... In simple multicellular organisms like Hydra, the transportation of material from cell to cell takes place through simple diffusion.

Answered by geogarmentmvpa


hydra live in water and do not have blood or any circulatory system. ... In simple multicellular organisms like Hydra, the transportation of material from cell to cell takes place through simple diffusion.

Transportation takes places from cell to cell (through simple diffusion ). hydra is 2-3 mm in length and is about half mm in diameter, so it is large enough to be seen. It has no specialized transport system. ... Movement and absorption of digested food is by diffusion.

Hope this answer helped u


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