short answers please!!!
What were the stages in which United Kingdom and United States granted the voting
rights to its citizens?
Help Louisiana and I have no clue what I can get a new number is not good at it again in a few minutes ago I got to go back
joggingan the same way I could be the same way I could be the same way I could be the same way I could be a great time at the moment and the Two you are so many times have I ever have a nice day today with a little while longer and more of an who was that I can see you in my room for me too
Answer: Suffrage, political franchise, or simply franchise is the right to vote in public, political elections (although the term is sometimes used for any right to vote). In some languages, and occasionally in English, the right to vote is called active suffrage, as distinct from passive suffrage, which is the right to stand for election. The combination of active and passive suffrage is sometimes called full suffrage