English, asked by manashvi8556, 1 year ago

Short article writing for on topic water conservation


Answered by soumyaadhikary68


Water is abundant yet scarce. It covers three-fourth part of our planet yet there are regions suffering from drought. It seems to be smooth enough to slip off our hands and yet it is one of the many freely available natural resources that we can’t stand a day without. The irony that is associated with WATER is that somewhere it is wasted while some place elsewhere it is needed for life.

The concept of sustainable growth focuses on overall development, the one that is n harmony with our nature and is also catering to the needs of generations to come. We, today live in a world suffering from illnesses inflicted on our environment as a result of our actions. The resources that are provided to us are not just ample but they are crucial for our very survival. While using them, we must not forget that if they perish, we will have nowhere to go. The sustainable approach comes with the idea of their conservation and preservation.

Water Conservation is needed in today’s perspective because we already have been affected by water shortage in some areas. It is the art of preserving the water by using only as much amount as needed, avoiding overuse or misuse. The amount of portable water which is available is limited and so should be its use. One might keep on wondering about the idea of converting the sea water to some desalinated useful state but now is a long way from the time before such a massive technology shows up. The only thing that we have control over is how to efficiently spend the little resource we are left with. There can be a number of practices that one can adopt in his/her daily life to contribute to the mission.

Avoid bath tubs, take shorter baths: People sometimes go blind by the senses when it comes to luxury.The lavishing Jacuzzis are tempting but they waste a lot of water. Also, while showering, one should keep the time short. The affluent have access to water, but then if you look at the bigger picture, there might be people craving for every single drop of the same.

Turn off the taps: one should use a glass of water while brushing instead of using the tap directly. Also, while washing, we should keep the flow restricted to avoid wastage. When we keep the tap open even for just a few minutes, unknowingly we might have wasted a few precious litres of it.

Reuse water after laundry: The water in the washing machines should not just be drained. This water can be used to clean driveways and walkways and even our vehicles( because it also contains soap for better cleaning ) and window panes.

u cam write as much as u want...

(plz mark as the brainlliest) ,,, i worked hard a lot to write this for u

Answered by jasna50


Sheena was looking for the world's biggest treasure. She was walking in the desert areas, She was feeling very thirsty and found a lake she was very happy and also found the biggest treasure of the world!

"Water" . Water is the biggest treasure in the world given by god . It is the precious gift by god which should preserved very safely just like the archaeological sources kept in museums. Why water is so important? Water is important because we use it in our daily life such as bathing ,cleaning, etc..So,we need to conserve too.. because we are using it but not conserving it properly ! How we can conserve them? We can conserve them by fixing the tap leakages, Off the tap while brushing, use a bucket while bathing etc..

You can also use your own ideas to conserve water!This would be too helpful.

Even, god has given lot of precious things, like water,sunlight,nature and many more we should respect and take care of them as our family member for a better future and a beautiful environment. At last i would like to make a pledge by everyone that is...

I pledge to conserve water every day, Use it wisely, not waste it away. I will save every drop I can, Every day of the week,this is my lifetime plan.


Save water,Save life

Hope it helps

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