short case study of a child project
The affected child is a 4-year-old Greek boy, whose mother tongue is Greek. The reason why I chose to observe this particular child is that it has received speech therapy only for a short time (since November 2006), and it presents phonological disorders of various types. According to the leading SLT, the processes under investigation are assimilation, cluster simplification, deletion or substitution of final –s and fronting. Thus, the complexity and challenging nature of the disorder prompted me to study this child. The child study is taking place under the leading speech and language therapist’s supervision, who is also the owner of the speech and language centre and I act as an assistant to the sessions and supervision of the child.My objectives at this stage are to find out more about the various underlying phonological disorders, to assess the child, be informed about the already proposed and implemented plan and the effects it has had on the child, and implement my own intervention based on the literature and theoretical background of speech and language disorders