short cut key for data in ms -excel___
Arrow keys (↑, ↓, ←, →) Complete cell entry and move cell cursor one cell in direction of the arrow
Enter Complete cell entry and move cell cursor down one row
Shift+Enter Complete cell entry and move cell cursor up one row
Ctrl+Enter Complete cell entry in all cells in selected range
Alt+Enter Begin a new line in a cell entry
Tab Complete cell entry and move cell cursor right one column
Shift+Tab Complete cell entry and move cell cursor left one column
Esc Cancel current cell entry
Ctrl+' (apostrophe) Copy formula in cell above into current cell entry
Ctrl+Shift+" (quotation) Copy value from cell above into current cell entry
Ctrl+`(accent) Toggle between displaying cell values and cell formulas in worksheet
Ctrl+; Insert current date into current cell entry
Ctrl+Shift+; Insert current time into current cell entry