Short cut keys of computer
here is your answer..........
Shortcut keys
1 Ctrl+ S- To save
2. Shift + Del to delete files/folders permanently
3 Ctrl+O- To open a saved document.
4 Ctrl + W- To close a document.
5 Ctrl +Z - To reverse the last action that You have perform.
6 Ctrl +Y - To reverse the effect of undo
7 F5. To run the presentation
8 Alt +F4- To close the word application.
9 F 12- To open the save as dialog box.
10 Ctrl+ P- To print a document
11 Ctrl+A-Select the entire text
12 shift+Home- select the text from the from the current position to the beginning of a line.
13 Ctrl+x, Ctrl+v - cut the text text and places it at a new place.
14 Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V - copy the text from one place and pastes it at another.
15 F7 - to open spelling and Grammar dialog box
16 Ctrl+M- Increase the indent
17 Ctrl+Shift+M -decrease the indent
18 Ctrl+D - to create a duplicate slide.
19 Ctrl+T - to open the font dialogbox
20 Ctrl+Shift+> - increase the font size size
21 Ctrl +N- To create a new presentation
22. Ctrl +B - Bold
23. Ctrl + U - Underline
24. Ctrl+ I - Italic
25. F2. Rename file or folder