short cut keys of computer
Answered by
Ctrl+c copy Ctrl+x=cut Ctrl+v =paste plz mark as brainliest

copy and pasted
Answered by
Ctrl+a=select all
Ctrl +b=bold
All are with ctrl
C copy
D font
E centre alignment
F find
H indent
I italic
J justify
K hyper link
L left alignment
N new document
O open
P print
R right elignment
S save
U under line
V paste
X cut
Y redo
Z undo
Ctrl +b=bold
All are with ctrl
C copy
D font
E centre alignment
F find
H indent
I italic
J justify
K hyper link
L left alignment
N new document
O open
P print
R right elignment
S save
U under line
V paste
X cut
Y redo
Z undo
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