English, asked by sidhart1444, 1 year ago

Short debate on my greatest wish


Answered by atharv1413
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My biggest wish

#ChallengeRichard: “If you could have one wish for the world come true, what would it be? Write it as a poem or letter.”

65 Challenge Richard banner


My biggest wish


If I could only have one wish,

It wouldn’t be for wealth or my favourite dish.

I’d wish a wish for everyone,

That the day we’ve been waiting for would come.


A day where world leaders could proudly say,

No one is persecuted against in any way.

Where rights are equal in every land,

Where people of all nations stand hand-in-hand.

Richard Branson high five children in South Africa with Virgin Unite

A world where poverty no longer persists,

And the glass ceiling no longer exists. 

A world where nobody feels the need to know their place,

Or feels ashamed or afraid to show their true face.


I wish a wish for equality,

That would mean everything for me.

A world without conflict, just harmony,

That’s what my biggest wish would be.


I certainly wouldn’t call myself a poet, but I have tried my hand at a few verses over the years.

Have a read of this love poem I wrote when I was 15 years old, and this poem for all entrepreneurs I wrote last year in response to another #ChallengeRichard.

I feel the title of poet is better credited to my son Sam, who wrote these lovely verses about his daughter Eva-Deia, while in Scotland recently.

Sam Branson's poem

If you could have one wish for the world come true, what would it be? More importantly, what are you doing to make it a reality?

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