short essay on discipline
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Discipline is a good character which has a very positive and good impact in our lives. It has a great role in motivating an individual to be successful and to progress in his or her life. Discipline builds the character of an individual.
A person without discipline the person's life becomes dull. It is like a tree having no roots. Discipline directs individuals to move in a right path.
Being disciplined is very necessary almost everywhere like in schools, offices, homes, etc. Discipline brings perfection in the life of an individual by directing and training the individual.
Success comes only when a person lives amd does work in a disciplined manner.
Fóllòw MË ☺️☺️
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discipline is rule which let you build your personality. it guide you to your dream and stops you from being get affected by bad things. it keeps you healthy both physical and mental.
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