short note on anodi
anode → anoda
Anode is the electrode at which oxidation occurs in a cell. Anions migrate to the anode.
Anode is a positive electrode on which reaction of oxidation is developed (loss of electrons).
anodic rays → anodne zrake
Anodic rays, rays which in a vacuum tube are emitted from anode.
anodising → anodizacija
Anodising is a method of coating objects made of aluminium with a protective oxide film, by making them the anode in an electrolytic bath containing an oxidising electrolyte. Anodising can also be used to produce a decorative finish by formation of an oxide layer that can absorb a coloured dye.
battery → baterija
Battery a device that converts chemical energy to electrical energy. The process underlying the operation of a battery involves a chemical reaction in which electrons are transferred from one chemical species to another. This process is carried out in two half-reactions, one that involves the loss of electrons and one that involves their gain. The battery is an electrochemical cell divided in two half-cells, and reaction proceeds when these are connected together by an electrically conducting pathway. The passage of electrons from one half-cell to the other corresponds to an electric current. Each half-cell contains an electrode in contact with the reacting species. The electrode which passes electrons into the circuit when battery discharges is called anode and is negative terminal. The electrode which receives electrons is called cathode, and is the battery’s positive terminal. The electrical circuit is completed by an electrolyte, an electrically conducting substance placed between the two electrodes which carriers a flow of charge between them. In wet cells, the electrolyte is a liquid containing dissolved ions, whose motion generates an electrical current; in dry cells the electrolyte is basely solid, for example, a solid with mobile ions or porous solid saturated with an ionic solution.
Bunsen’s cell → Bunsenov članak
Bunsen’s cell is a primary cell devised by Robert W. Bunsen consisting of a zinc cathode immersed in dilute sulphuric acid and carbon anode immersed in concentrated nitric acid. The electrolytes are separated by a porous pot. The cell gives an e.m.f. of about 1.9 V.
Bunsen’s cell
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groundbed → zemljana anoda
Groundbed is a buried item, such as junk steel or graphite rods, that serves as the anode for the cathodic protection of pipelines or other buried structures.
Butler-Volmer equation → Butler-Volmerova jednadžba
Butler-Volmer equation is an activation controlled reaction, the one for which the rate of reaction is controlled solely by the rate of the electrochemical charge transfer process, which is in turn an activation-controlled process. This gives rise to kinetics that are described by the Butler-Volmer equation:
Butler-Volmer equation
where io is exchange current density, η is overpotential (η = E - Eo), n is number of electrons, αA is anodic transfer coefficient, and αC is cathodic transfer coefficient
cathode → katoda
Cathode is a negative electrode of an electrolytic cell to which positively charged ions (cations) migrate when a current is passed as in electroplating baths.
In a primary or secondary cell (battery or accumulator) the cathode is the electrode that spontaneously becomes negative during discharge, and form which therefore electrons emerge.
In vacuum electronic devices electrons are emitted by the cathode and flow to the anode.
cathodic protection → katodna zaštita
Cathodic protection is a process in which a structural metal, such as iron, is protected from corrosion by connecting it to a metal that has a more negative reduction half-cell potential, which now corrodes instead of iron. There are two major variations of the cathodic method of corrosion protection. The first is called the impressed current method, and the other is called the sacrificial anode method.
Cathodic protection by sacrificial anode
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cell potential → potencijal članka
Cell potential (E) is difference between anode and cathode potential. If the cell potential is positive, then the reaction is spontaneous.
Cell potential
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