Short note
Characters of Brown Algae:
Brown algae comprise about 2000 species. ...
Majority of the brown algae are marine.
Brown algae generally occur in both tidal and sub tidal regions of colder seas.
Unicellular forms are absent.
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Characteristics of Class Phaeophyceae (Brown Algae):
Mostly marine, with unicellular or multicellular body.
✳️Cells are eukaryotic, with special type of excretory granules in vesicles.
✳️Chief pigments are chloroophyll a and c, beta carotene, lutein, fucoxanthin, dioanthin and violaxanthin.
✳️Reserve food includes laminarin, mannitol and oils.
✳️Sexual reproduction is isogamous, anisogamous or oogamous.
✳️Zoospore formation is common.
✳️Male gametes are flagellate.
✳️Flagella are heterokont.
✳️ Life cycle is haplobiotic or diplobiotic,
with alternation of generations.
✳️Characteristics of Phaeophyceae (Brown algae)
The members of Phaeophyceae are popularly called brown algae. The brown colour of this group of algae is due to the possession of a pigment called fucoxanthin. There are about 1500 species enlisted in phaeophyceae. Fritsch (1945) divided the whole brown algae in to nine orders: Ectocarpales, Tilopteridales, Cutleriales, Sporochnales, Desmarestiales, Laminariales, Sphacelariales, Dicotyotales and Fucales.