Short note on meristematic tissue
There are 3 types of meristematic tissue:-
1. Apical meristem- Present at tips of plat like root, tips of leaves etc. It mainly increases height.
2.Lateral meristem- Increases width of plant, present in stem.
3.Intercalary meristem- Present at base of leaves, internodes,etc.
• It is a region where active cell division or continuous cell division occurs
• Consists of immature cells ( continuous state of division)
• Cells are small and isodiametric ( same diameter)
• Have dense cytoplasm
• Usually vacuoles are absent. If present they are small in size
• Metabolically highly active so reserve food is not present
• Plastids are absent .If present only in proplastidal stage( first plastids arise from proplastids)
• Has only primary cell wall which is thin and flexible and made up of cellulose
• No intercellular spaces so it is called as compact tissue
• Secondary cell wall is absent
• Non living substances are absent