Short note on parmenant settlement,mahalwari settlement and ryotwari settelment
Permanent settlement also known as the permanent settlement of Bengal was an agreement between East India Company and Bengali landlords to fix revenue to be raised from land with far-reaching consequences for both agricultural methods and productivity in the entire british Empire and the political realities of the Indian countryside. It was concluded in 1793 by the company adminstration.
Under the Mahalwari system, the land revenue was collected from the farmers by the village headmen on behalf of the whole village. The Mahalwari system was introduced by Holt Mackenzie in 1822.The word mahalwari is derived from the Hindi mahal, meaning a house or, by extension, a district.
Ryotwari System was introduced by Thomas Munro in 1820. Major areas of introduction include Madras, Bombay, parts of Assam and Coorgh provinces of British India. In Ryotwari System the ownership rights were handed over to the peasants. British Government collected taxes directly from the peasants.
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