short note on the first maratha war
The first Anglo-Maratha War
The first war between the English and the Marathas began in 1775. There was a struggle for peshwaship between the supporters of the infant Peshwa Madhav Rao II led by his able general statesman Nana Fadnavis and the supproters of Raghunath Rao.
Treaty of Salbai
The British supported Raghunath Rao for the Peshwaship in the First Maratha War. The war dragged on till 1781, the English army was defeated and ended with the treaty of Salbai in 1782.The English recognised Madhav Rao II as the Peshwa and were allowed to retain Salsetti. Raghunath Rao was pensioned.
Subsidiary Alliance
Wellesely introduced a system of Subsidiary Alliances. The English became the paramount power in India. The Nizam of Hyderabad accepted it first in 1798. Nawab of Awadh aws forced to accept it. Tipu sultan didnot accept it but after his death the new ruler accepted the treaty of Bassein.
The First Anglo-Maratha War (1775–1782) was the first of three Anglo-Maratha Wars fought between the British East India Company and Maratha Empire in India. The war began with the Treaty of Surat and ended with the Treaty of Salbai.