short note on women policy of hitler.
In Nazi Germany, young people and even children, were repeatedly told that women were radically different from men. According to them the fight for equal rights for men and women, was quite wrong and it would destroy the society. Girls were told to be good mothers and bring up pure-blooded Aryan children. Women had to maintain the purity of the race, look after the home and teach their children Nazi ideology. Those mothers who produce racially desirable children were awarded, given favoured treatment in hospitals, concessions in shops, theatres and even in the railways. Honours of Bronzewas given for cross for four children, a silver for six and a gold for eight or more was given to eligible women. Women who maintained contacts with Jews, Poles or Russians were punished or imprisoned.
Hope it helps u buddy ☺☺
Women in Nazi Germany were to have a very specific role. Hitler was very clear about this. This role was that they should be good mothers bringing up children at home while their husbands worked. Outside of certain specialist fields, Hitler saw no reason why a woman should work. Education taught girls from the earliest of years that this was the lifestyle they should have.From their earliest years, girls were taught in their schools that all good German women married at a young age to a proper German and that the wife’s task was to keep a decent home for her working husband and to have children.