short note, topic or proverbs or essays of cleanliness
Cleanliness means keeping ourselves neat and clean by avoiding dirt. It is the best practice to keep everything clean. According to the type of things, we can divide cleanliness into various types such as cleaning of clothes, cleaning of streets, cleaning of surroundings, cleaning of houses, cleaning of person, personal cleanliness, etc. In order to maintain our personal cleanliness, we need to practice cleanliness very carefully and make it a most important habit. It is very necessary to maintain the cleanliness of surrounding together with our personal cleanliness. We should understand the importance of cleanliness and do practice of cleaning ourselves and surrounding areas.
We should follow as well as teach kids of home to practice teeth cleaning, hand washing, bathing, and other cleaning habits. People who are used to of keeping themselves dirty, they also keep their surrounding areas and environment dirty and filthy. That’s why they always suffer weakness, weak health, infections, various types of diseases, etc. So, it is very clear that we should keep ourselves and environment clean in order to be healthy, happy and free of diseases.
If we talk about our health (physical, mental, social and psychological), we notice that how important the personal cleanliness and cleaning of environment is necessary for us. The whole environment is our home which we need to keep clean in order to be healthy forever. Some people understand the importance of cleanliness very well and follow all the cleanliness habits; however some of us throw wastes and dirty things on road which gets spoiled and make them ill. If a clean environment can keep our mind and body healthy; in the same way, a dirty environment puts bad effect on our body and mind. Many people suffer infectious diseases because of infectious agents in the dirty environment. Disease causing agents become very active in the dirty and filthy environment and can cause diarrhea, cholera, hepatitis, flu, etc.
People become victim of various diseases in the hospitals because of practice of unsterilized techniques by the doctors and other paramedical staffs. Some doctors do not care about cleanliness in the hospitals because of their money earning habits and spread various fatal diseases among patients and their attendants. We need to raise our hands together for the maintenance of cleanliness in the environment and stop throwing garbage anywhere especially in the populated areas. We should keep our body, mind, homes, streets, schools, offices, etc areas very clean in order to keep us healthy and happy. Kids at home and students in the schools and colleges need to get educated about the importance of cleanliness at national and international level........
Cleanliness means keeping our body, mind and everything around us clean. It is nothing but being clean or being kept clean. Cleanliness is called the first law of health. It is the way to stay healthy and lead life peacefully.
There is a popular saying which says, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” which implies being clean is a sign of spiritual purity or goodness. When we believe in God then why not in being clean. Moreover, we should not only take care of our personal cleanliness but also of our surroundings. Only then we can stay healthy.
Just like food, water, oxygen, shelter and other things are inevitable for our existence, similarly, cleanliness is also important for a healthy living.
Cleaning plays a vital role in our daily lives. The main importance of cleanliness is that it is a key to prevention and curing of all sort of disease affecting our environment and health. Be it personal hygiene, such as washing our hands before we eat or covering our mouths when we are about to cough or setting a standard for environmental cleanliness, effective cleaning is our first line of defence against viruses and infectious diseases. It is not only to keep us healthy but also happy in our daily life. Not just this but by keeping our country clean we will earn a respectable place in the eyes of tourists visiting our country.
On one hand, it is an important factor for human health and spiritual development; on the other hand, it is essential for environmental development
Day-to-day we keep hearing news about people dying of diseases, such as Malaria, Jaundice, Plague etc. that are borne out of filthy surroundings. If we don’t take proper measures the diseases will spread rapidly and might prove to be fatal. Children will be exposed to hazardous diseases. Also if our house is dirty, people inside it will feel anxious and stressed.
On the other hand, if we keep our surroundings clean it is proven that it can have an amazing impact on our mental and physical well-being. It reduces stress and depression, increases productivity and it is more likely to get a good night’s sleep. It can also prevent allergies. Hence it is necessary for each one of us to learn about cleanliness and the various diseases that are caused due to poor maintenance of our surroundings.
Considering one’s personal life, we should
Bathe regularly
Wash our hands before eating food
Eat healthy food and drink clean water
Keep trimming our nails
Brush and floss
Have a sound sleep
Regarding our surroundings:
Clean up all messes immediately.
Say NO to the usage of plastic bags
Spend at least 10-15 minutes a day to clean your home. …
Keep a box for items that you no longer use or need
Plant trees
Don’t pollute water bodies
Do not litter on the roads
Reuse and recycle
Keep a check on pollution
These days the Government is taking a lot of actions to implement cleanliness. I believe that all of us are aware of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. It is a campaign by the Government of India to clean the streets, roads and infrastructure of the country’s 4,041 statutory cities and towns. This campaign was officially launched on 2 October 2014 by our Prime Minister Narendra Modi. It is India’s largest ever cleanliness drive with 3 million government employees, and especially school and college students from all parts of India, participating in the campaign.
But it is not only the duty of the Government to keep the country clean instead it is the responsibility of every Indian to keep his surrounding clean.It is not something we should do forcefully. By doing this, he will not only benefit himself but also the country. Also, students should be given proper education in this matter. They will learn and follow this when cleanliness will begin at home. To maintain better hygienic conditions in the surroundings, it is necessary to clean the entire area because unhygienic conditions can cause many diseases as trash and dirt can be houses of bacteria, virus and other pathogens. By adopting a clean and hygienic lifestyle, a valuable amount can also be saved where health issues are concerned.
A clean and healthy life helps in refining the culture of a society and reflects in every aspect of life such as art, architecture, food, music and so on. Ultimately, it leads towards a higher level of civilisation.