Short paragraphs about theft in newspaper
Priceless jewels stolen from historic vault in 'most costly heist ever'
Irreplaceable treasures and jewels have been robbed from Dresden's treasury of Augustus the Strong of Saxony in Germany in a heist that could cost hundreds of millions of Euros.
When a certain part or a certain content of the newspaper is stolen or it is prevented from printing in the newspaper then it is called as newspaper theft
• When certain part of the newspaper is removed or stolen from the publication without the consent of the owner or the publication then it is a crime and it is called as newspaper theft
• Government has developed many laws in order to prevent this theft and they have the rights to block this distribution
• In the western countries many cases deal with newspaper theft there have been many laws passed in Maryland and in Colorado
• They usually have their pirated or patent rights in owning the first copy of the news or content
Know more about newspapers:
The value of newspaper
Article on importance of newspapers