English, asked by pukhrajdeora092, 1 year ago

Short paregarph writing on village scene


Answered by trumo

The village markets are generally held on an open place. Men from far ad near go there to buy and sell. One can hardly see any permanent stall in a village market. The commodities are either kept in baskets or placed on the ground.

The most striking feature of a Village market is a large crowd and noise. The sellers shout their loudest to attract customers and the buyers quarrel over quality and quantity and price with equal vigor. However the villagers meet on a common platform forgetting their respective positions in life. Assembly of all classes of people at a common place presents a pleasing scene to our eyes. A variety of articles are put on sale in the market. Carts and Lorries bring fresh vegetables, fish, meat, earthenware, agricultural tools and kitchen utensils from distant places.

In some villages even cattle and goats are sold. The articles sold here are mostly locally produced. Buying and selling go on till dusk. The sellers then go home. The village market place wears a deserted appearance.

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