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When studying the effects of advertising in a particular area, one will find that the advertising business is one with many different facets. There is variation in the types of media used, the locations, the targeted audience, the advertising style, and the advertising intention altogether. Many studies engage particular areas of advertising as their focus. However, most tend to have a relation to the media’s effect on people. For example, Audrey Dentith’s study on female adolescents in Las Vegas focuses largely on the media in the area. But a huge emphasis is put on how these mediated images affect these young women. In her article she describes Las Vegas as a “consumer culture within the highly sexualized and distinctive tourist context.” In this article she uses a qualitative analysis in an attempt to uncover any patterns of conception that young women have in regard to the sexually oppressing culture of the city. She found several social patterns that different groups of adolescent girls alluded too. The effect of media on people is further supported in an essay by Debbie Ging. Ging’s research uses a group of boys in Ireland. The study is similar to Dentith’s study, but focuses on the masculinity of boys. Her goal is to find a link between mediated imagery and the masculine acts of boys in Ireland. Her findings were that trends in media often were reflected by trends in the behavior of the adolescents of her study.
Therefore, the all encompassing powers of mediated culture assuredly influence behaviors in people. Advertisements are a part of media, so they also have specific effects that need to be studied. There are many ways that advertisements influence people. The purpose of an advertisement is to influence the purchasing behavior of those that view it. There are many different types of advertising. Today advertisers are trying all kinds of different methods to break through the clutter of ads that bombard American citizens on a daily basis. The large amount of advertising has caused people to start to disregard advertisements all together. Inventions such as TiVo have made it easier to avoid the annoying ads. With this knowledge, advertising agencies are continually trying to use unique new forms of advertising. “Within-show advertising” is a good example of this. Roehm focuses on two types of advertising in particular, “product placement” and “plugs.” Product placement occurs when a product or logo is placed in a program with the intention of gaining exposure for the product. A plug, however, is when a product or slogan is mentioned in what appears to be off-the-cuff dialogue in a program script (Roehm, 18). These forms of advertising have different effects on their viewers. In Roehm’s study, it was found that product placement initiated stronger memory retention of the product as opposed to that of the plug. However, both forms of advertisement effectively influenced the intended audience.
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