short pragraph on colleague
“A good definition is almost impossible, but you know one when you see one. The connection is almost immediate.You know it's going to be a good day because you will be seeing that colleague.”
Of my few fond memories of junior high is “honors study hall,” which several friends and I enjoyed by virtue of our grades and teachers’ selection. In that free period in a darkened auditorium away from that “other” study hall, we had a haven. Though the school has long since been demolished and the friends have dispersed, that distant memory surfaced as I shaped this article. Why? I think because my friends and I, different in temperament and talents, created mutual support. We studied, talked, and joked to relieve the stress of school. We helped one another with math or French or whatever problem arose. Forty minutes of dim lights and velvet stage drapes were soothing, too.
“A Kinder Campus” is a career column, and I chose the word “collegiality” deliberately in shaping its mission. Whether one is looking to obtain a job, stay productive and/or advance: Academia is a people business as well as a hub of ideas.
So over winter break I sought out definitions of colleague from contacts while contemplating the term myself. Read on -- and consider what the word means to you.