India Languages, asked by shristisharma45, 6 months ago

short sanskrit story with english translation​


Answered by 4team


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In sanskrit

नृपसेवकवानर-कथा -- The King's Monkey Servant

तस्माच्चिरायुरिच्छत नृपेण मूर्खोऽनुचरो न रक्षणियः ।

कस्यचिद्राझो नित्यं वानरोऽतिभक्तिपरोऽङ्गसेवकोऽन्तःपुरेऽप्यप्रतिषिद्ध्प्रसरोऽतिविश्वासस्थानप्रभूत् ।

एकदा राझो निद्रागतस्य वानरो व्यजनं नीत्वा वायुं विदधति राझो वक्षःस्थलोपरि मक्षिकोपविष्टा । व्यजनेन मुहुर्मुहुर्निषिध्यमानापि पुनः पुनस्तश्रैथपविशति । ततस्तेन स्वभावचपलेन मूर्खेण वानरेण क्रुधेन सता तिक्ष्णं खड्गमादाय तस्या उपरि प्रहारो विहितः । ततो मक्षिका उड्डिय गता । तेन शितधारेणासिना राझो वक्षो द्विधा जातं, राजा मृतश्च ।

in English


"A king wishing long life should never keep foolish servants."

A king had a monkey as his body-guard. He was very fond of the king, and as he was very much trusted by the king, he could go into the kings' bed room without being stopped by anyone.

Once when the king was sleeping the monkey started breezing the king with a fan. While doing this a fly came and sat on the king's chest. The monkey tried to ward off the fly with the fan. But the fly would come again and sit on the same place.

The monkey due to its foolish nature became angry, got a sharp sword and hit the fly to kill it. The fly flew away but, the king's chest was divided into two, and the king died.

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Answered by shabanarajveerkaur18



once there lived a king who had a monkey the monkey was two naughty he was not alowed to go anywhere so he everytime stay at his house one day King fast asleep because he was so tired and the monkey was watching this from soo long as it was summer the climate was hot and humid so monkey oned all the fans to comfort him. the housefly sits on Kings nose monkey planed to get rid of it so he hit the fly with stick so Kings nose was broken monkey never seen again.


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