Short speech on kindness
Good morning everyone; I am going to speak a few lines on kindness. Kindness is a very rare quality of the human heart. All the great spiritual masters have emphasized the importance of practicing kindness while dealing with others, especially those who are our opponents, enemies, and adversaries. Jesus Christ’s words in this regard are quite relevant. He said: “But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil.” The spiritual connotation of his words is quite deep. He calls the kind people ‘Blessed’. Besides being blessed, which means being lucky, kindness shown to others wins hearts; it smoothes all the folds and creases of hurts, pains, and aches. According to Jesus’ words if we want to have God’s kindness for our misdeeds, we should simply practice kindness by forgiving others silently for the hurts and pain they might have given us. Kindness given, comes back to us in double measure. So, we must be kind to all. Life’s all problems can be solved with kindness.
Hello everyone, I am here to present a speech on Kindness. In Hindi, it’s a saying that “Kar bhala to ho bhala”.The saying means that when you do good for somebody, something good will happen to you too. Doing good for somebody without expectation of any favor in return is Kindness. Kindness is a humanitarian act that gives us a feeling of happiness and satisfaction. Our elders and ancestors have also taught us to be kind to the people around us.
An act of kindness will never go waste and people will always remember how you made them feel. Can we imagine a world without kindness and humanity? Without kindness, the world would become a lonely place with people being selfish and careless.