short speech on mahatma gandhi an why i admire him .
2 minutes
Mahatma Gandhi gave the Indian People not only freedom but also the new thoughts on non-violence and sustainable living. ... The main things that admire me about him are that he was a great follower of non-violence. About his non-violence he said that “I know my path.
Who has never imagined that he could be a role model for the whole world? I think that it is a dream, a desire of every human being to leave a legacy for humanity. By choosing a hero, you have the opportunity to not only realize something indirectly, but above all, to share your opinions, even if you have never met your hero. A hero allows you to express an ideal either because of his physical appearance, his talent or his influence in the world.
I think it is difficult to say that people will have only one hero in their lifetime because, in time, they may change their mind and notice that what this person embodies is no longer what is the most important to them. So, I would like to present my “current hero,” Mahatma Gandhi.
"Whenever you are confronted
with an opponent,
conquer him with love."
Gandhi in South Africa, 1909
Unknown author [Public domain] via Wikimedia