Short speech on new education policy in 100 to 150 words in english
Education is the most important national activity, the backbone of a country’s progress. It helps to strengthen the very fabric of nation “to produce men of education enlightenment and character”. The New Education Policy is likely to lead to 100 per cent literacy in the 15-35 age-groups in the wake of the century. The teachers and the taught as well as the various Government agencies are going to be equal partners in this new exercise. The salient features of the New Education Policy 1986 are introduction of a national core curriculum at the school level,
special emphasis on the education of women and of the Scheduled Castes/Tribes; introduction of semester system at the secondary stage; examination reforms; establishment of an all-India education service; establishment of pace-setting institutions called `Navodaya Vidyalayas’, in all parts of the country as a part of the effort to provide equal opportunities, especially in rural areas; to raise the quality of higher education; de-linking of jobs from degrees; strengthening of University Grants Commission,the All-India Council of Technical Education, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research and the Indian Medical Council; continuation of the 10 plus 2 plus 3 system of education; splitting of 10 school year:, into elementary system comprising five years, followed by three years of middle school and two years of high school; and provision of vocationalisation after the secondary stage.A significant feature of the new policy is the setting up of model schools, called `Navodaya Vidyalayas’, for introducing a uniform curriculum in school education. About 5 lakh teachers have been trained by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) during the summer vacations in order to familiarize them with the new concepts involved. Education, which has been made a scapegoat for all social and moral evils in the country, has been put on a sound footing with this new policy.Another area of education crying out for immediate reforms is our system of examinations that gives sleepless nights to many a student and induces mass copying, cheating and intimidation in the care of several others. The new Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE) must take up this area on a top priority basis in order to remove the fear, and accompanying horrors, of a three-hour, closed-door examination that saps our students energies and compels them to employ underhand means for achieving success by means, fair or foulEducation in the country now stands on the threshold of the 21st century. As an important instrument of change and development, it must be depoliticized and modernized if the new education policy is to be an unqualified success.