Short Speech on the topic "Should libraries be replaced by e-books?"
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I have compared and contrasted eBooks and books.
There are many similarities on these different kinds of books as well as many differences.
Reading is one of the most important things that have an impact on people’s life.
Technology now has also made an impact on books. Now there are e-readers like: kindle, nook, and IPad. The first kind of book is the EBooks.
There are many positive things about the e Books. E Books are very useful for traveling, it doesn’t take much space, or it doesn’t weigh much.
Traditional books are available in libraries and bookstores, most of the time you can even read there because they are very quiet. Paper books remain readable for many years,
but e-books will keep develop as technology develops; so you have to frequently replace it. Some paper books also have more value than e-books, especially historical books. Despised all the differences, there are similarities between paper books and e-books. One similarity is that both paper books and e-books purpose is to give knowledge and entertain readers. Another similarity is that both books have variety of books that you could choose and read.
Ebooks will not replace paperbacks entirely anytime soon. Subscription services will not replace libraries and the community resources they provide. Libraries win, even in the area of ebook lending, despite the challenges they face. But the challenge won’t likely come from any kind of subscription service, at least for now.
Here is a short speech for the given topic.
Start the speech with introduction then :
Should libraries be replaced by e-books?
The topic sounds interesting. Right!!
So, As we know that over 2 millions of trees are being cut annually to make the papers of the book. So as we are already facing problems for deforestation, don't you think libraries be replaced by e-books to solve the problem?
E-books don't require not even a single tree. They are just eco-friendly. We can download anything at anytime and read it within minutes.
Talking about our daily life, Suppose we are traveling, we can take e-books with us easily and read it as it is very light.
Do you think you can take big heavy books anywhere and can read?
Just take an example of R.D.Sharma.
So Now all might be thinking that libraries should really be replaced by e-books. Should they??
The effective and positive answer is "NO"
So what should be done?
Simple!! add them, don't replace libraries with them.
if I focus on the limitations of technology, e-books require power, or electricity and some how to generate them.
So if there is no power or electricity then E-books ate just going to be useless.
Another thing is that e-books even affect our health. They create eye strain.
So, at last I would like to conclude the speech by saying that,
Everything has two sides; POSITIVE and NEGATIVE. So as an intelligent human being we should know how to utilize everything in a positive way.
So don't replace libraries just add e-books that means :
That's all.
Thank you
Hope it helped!!