Short story about railway station, train, boy, many people
A boy named Sohan lived in a town. He lived with his mother and father. He was very mischievious. He always creat mess everywhere he goes. His parents didn't say him anything as he was the only child. One day he and his parents decided to go to Sohan's uncle house. They went to railway station. His parents told Sohan not to roam here and there. But, Sohan roamed here and there and he left his parents. Then after some time the boy realized that he was lost. Even he didn't remember the way from where he came. He missed his train. And the boy was searching here and there for his parents, but he couldn't found them anywhere. He couldn't find his parents as there were many people in the station. He realized his mistake and decided that he will be a good boy. He stated crying and a samaritan picked the boy in his arms and asked the reason why he was crying. The boy said everything. And soon Sohan's parents got Sohan after long period of searching. Sohan was very happy. He was a good boy after this situation.
Moral : Never leave your parents in other unknown places. Always obey your parents.