Short story on I loved reading about life on other planets
I have been interested about stars and planets since my
childhood. Look at stars during the night gives me a strange solace. Reading
and talking about space travel and possibility of alien life is one of my
favorite topic.
With the advancement of technology through the years scientists made many breakthroughs about possibilities of life on other planets. I follow all these with great interest. Currently there are many space probes sent to Mars which now indicates that there was water present on Mars at some time. This means Mars has the possibility of sustaining life after terraforming .
There are also sighs of Water on two of Jupiter’s moons Europa and Ganymede. One of Saturn’s moon Titan also have water and liquid methane.
Many other Earth like rocky planets are also discovered but they are many light years away. We can not always live on earth and the speed at which we are consuming the earth resources, it has now very essential that Mankind must find and colonize other world.