short story on magical key
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In a kingdom far, far away, a little boy wizard had a magic key. The key is capable of opening mysterious doors, unlocking powerful magic and magical padlocks. It was a bright colourful day when the little wizard came out of his house. He was going to go on a magical scavenger hunt, when he looked in his pocket to get his key so he could lock his door, it was gone! He was very surprised to see it wasn’t there. “Oh No!” cried the little boy wizard. He was ashamed of himself for having lost the key. “What am I going to do? The key is the most powerful thing ever.” The little wizard looked everywhere like hidden places and little hideouts, but he still couldn’t find that key. So the little wizard walked outside with a sigh, but then he had an idea. “I know I will retrace my steps” cried the little wizard. So for the rest of that day, the little wizard was scampering in the forest when suddenly he heard a sound behind the bushes. “Who’s there?” cried the little wizard, but nobody answered. So the little wizard reached into his pocket and pulled out his wand and said “If you don’t show yourself, I will cast a spell on you!” Very quietly, the person hiding crept out from the bushes, but the little wizard realised that it was just his old friend Wiz. “Wiz” cried the little wizard, “I haven’t seen you for ages!” “I know said Wiz.” The little wizard asked Wiz if he could help him find he magic key. “Of course I will help you find your key” said Wiz. So after dinner, Wiz came over to the little wizards house. “Where shall we start?” he said to the little wizard, “are you sure you checked everywhere?” “Everywhere” said the little wizard. “Even under your pillow?” asked Wiz. “Umm no" said the little wizard, “I’ll check there now.” So the little wizard looked under his pillow and there lying under his pillow and glowing gold, was his magic key. “Thank you!” cried the little wizard. “That’s ok” said Wiz “I like to be helpful, that’s what I usually do for a friend.” So the next day the little wizard was going to go to his best friend’s house and he decided that he will always take his key whenever he leaves his house.
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