English, asked by saksham223392, 5 months ago

Short story with karuna rasa. Karuna means a sad story. Pls write......... I will definitely mark you as the brainliest.​


Answered by ritesharora899

The Karuna Rasa is the Rasa of Sadness, of which the highest form is Compassion. Pity and sadness are born of ignorance and attachments.When we feel sad for all who do not see through this illusion of suffering, for the ignorance created by maya, then we experience the highest form of Karuna, which is Compassion.

While the highest Karuna is Compassion, the original Sanskrit word karuna means "Sadness". This more popular meaning of the Karuna Rasa finds expression in many kinds of art, literature, and theatre in India. Sadness is a feeling that comes when we have to let go of attachments. In pity, we forget that other people's problems are essentially the same as our own.

While Sadness is an ingredient of Compassion, true Compassion goes beyond Sadness to an unending kindness that doesn't taste like Sadness at all, in which the Sadness of Sadness evaporates in Love and truth.

True Compassion involves the recognition that the suffering of others (as well as their joy) is also our own. Nobody has any problem that is not related to ignorance and ignorance is the fate of all who are not enlightened. If we can feel sorry for others without feeling any better than them, we may experience the highest Karuna.

True Compassion is without discrimination and can be felt for humans as well as for animals, plants, or enemies. It makes us a kind person, extending loving kindness to every being we meet. This depth of Compassion is beautifully expressed in the story of the saint that lifted a scorpion out of the water to carry it to safety, even though it was stinging him. Both the saint and the scorpion were doing nothing but following their dharma.

Buddha did not feel pity for the suffering of others but for the ignorance that causes suffering and that is why he set himself on the path of self-realization. When becoming enlightened, the one who vows to continue to reincarnate until all beings are enlightened as well is called a Bodhisattva. The Dalai Lama is a good example of this Compassion discipline. Compassion plays a very central role in Buddhism, where the term "Karuna" is much more directly translated as Compassion, rather than Sadness.

Hope it helps you

please mark as brainliest

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