English, asked by aman2931, 10 months ago



Answered by tejashri56


but what is topic for story

Answered by lsmacb


The four stone walls pressed narrowly against each another, dripping with moisture from the low ceiling. The only light that filtered through came from a single small barred window high up near the roof. The odour of the room was dingy and stale. The only furnishings were, a narrow cot with a stained thin mattress, a small tin bucket, of which the stench emanating from drew in the rats shivering in the corners and two chains hanging from the walls, from which a girl was suspended. Her dark hair hung in limp, greasy locks. She wore a ragged dress, stained with the discolouration of many years of imprisonment. Suddenly, the padlocked door opened and a short hunchbacked man shuffled in muttering softly to himself . If you looked closely at the thin cloth of his shirt you could see the whip marks on his back. He reached up and unlocked the wrist of the chains holding the girl to the wall. The girl slumped to the floor and the man grasped her hard by the arm and pulled her out the door saying as he went in a low gravelly voice, “Master wishes to see you in the drawing room”. He was half dragging her as he drapped his  lopsided feet along the dingy, dark corridor. They walked up a few flights of stairs and turned a corner into a well-lit, warm corridor but, she didn’t have long to enjoy her newfound warmth as the hunchback opened a door and dragged her inside. The room was as cold as the dungeon with animal heads everywhere and mahogany floorboards that froze her feet. Her eyes wandered to the desk in the centre of the room. There was a high-backed wooden chair behind the desk but was not facing herand she could tell someone was sitting there from the shadows on the far wall. The person sitting there spoke in a high cold voice saying, "Welcome."

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