Short summary it used to be green once
We are all ashamed of our mother.
She always does things to shame us.
Main character of this story is mum who is very embarrassing and strict to her children.
Though she is kind to her friends, relations and neighbours.
This story we see Mum is shameful, cruel and strict mum.
If children didn't get up when they were told the Mum will drag them and pull down their pyjama pants and set bums on the cold lino.
Also children could never win an argument with Mum.
She has loud voice too and she yelled loudly get up my girl.
She only give her children holey fruit and she doesn't let them have shoes/bags till college and puts red darns in their clothes.
Wednesday is Mum's day for shopping.
Mum always drives an old car to the shops.
Kids felt ashamed the way she drove as the car had no brakes and bus had to stop for her.
After winning lotto she didn't change her's way of doing things.