Short summary of a poem "Loving in truth".
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Loving in Truth” is the first in Philip Sidney’s sonnet sequence Astrophel and Stella. The name of the sonnet sequence echoes the romance of their rapport: of Philip Sidney and his lady love, Penelope Devereux. “Astro” in Greek means “star,” while “phel” or “phil” implies love .The word ‘stella’ in Latin signifies ‘star’. Therefore, Sidney is a star-lover, his star being his Stella. He orbits around the luminous Stella, who radiates him with her love and warmth. The poet and his beloved together as a couple represent the Greco-Roman concord of feeling and form. This classical sensibility was revived during the Renaissance and Sidney exemplifies the same in his sonnet. This sonnet is written in a hexam¬eter, consisting of six two-syllable feet per line.
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hey mate here is your answer hope it helps you plz mark as brainliest

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