Short summary of pakshi aur deemak
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मुक्तिबोध से लिखी गई प्रसिद्ध कहानी है 'पक्षी और दीमक'। इसमें एक नौजवान पक्षी अपना पंख देकर दीमक खरीदकर खाने लगता है। ... अंत में पंख सब नष्ट होने पर वह चटपटाता है। दीमकों को इकटठा करके, उसके बदले व्यापारी से पंख वापस लेने का विफल प्रयास वह करता है।
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This is the story of pakshi and deemak written in muktibodh by writer Deepak Pandey
- In this story a Pakshi sells his feathers and buys deemak and start eating it . He is so stubborn that he doesn't follow his parent's orders.
- At the end He realized that he made a mistake selling all his feathers as he cannot fly
- He collects the deemak and unsuccessfully tries to get his feathers back from the businessman
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