Short summary of the Fun they had
“The Fun They Had’ by Isaac Asimov is science fiction. It tells the story of two young children named Tommy and Margie who live in the year 2157, where children get an education through computers at their home. One day they come through a printed book and learn something about the school that existed hundreds and hundreds of years ago. It is a matter of great surprise for them because they are living in the age of moving e-texts.
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English Beehive
The Fun They Had Summary Class 9 English
Summary of The Fun They Had
The Fun They Had summary will help Class 9 students learn about this chapter in English Literature with great ease. The Fun They Had throws light on an interesting aspect of the technological world we will have in the future. Consequently, it is set in the future where two children discuss the way things functioned in the earlier days. Further, they talk about the ‘books’ which comprise of paper instead of the telebooks they have now. It is rather interesting to read about the conversation between the little kids. They get fascinated by the concept of ‘school’ which prevailed in the days of their grandparents. Moreover, they also talk about how those days were much more fun. The Fun They Had does show us the reality of technology taking over in the near future.