Short summary on Charlie's birthday gift
can u tell which Charlie are u talking about
one day when Charlie got up and went to his Grandparents’ bed, because that day was very important for Charlie’s family: IT WAS CHARLIE’S BIRTHDAY. When he got his gift Charlie was very happy: the gift was a bar of Wonka’s chocolate. They expected that in the chocolate’s paper there was a golden ticket, but Charlie didn’t see that in the bar. That evening in Mr Bucket’s newspaper there was an important title: “TWO GOLDEN TICKETS FOUND TODAY”. That article spoke about the two golden tickets’ finders. The first of them was Violet Beauregarde: she was a famous girl especially for her chewing gums; yes, indeed she had a world-wide record in chewing gums. The second finder was Mike Tv: he was a normal boy but lived and breathed only in front of Tv. Both the finders were ill-behaved.