shortnote on androecium
Shortnote on androecium!!
it is the third whorl of the flower which arises inner to the corolla. It is the male reproductive system which is composed of stamens. A stamen consists of a filament and anther. Anthers are usually bilobed. Each lobe contains two microsporangia or pollen sacs. The pollen grains are produced in pollen sacs. A sterile stamen is called staminode. There may be a variation in the length of filaments within a flower, as in Salvia and mustard.
Adhesion of stamens :
The stamen may be attached to other floral organs such as petals, sepals etc. When a stamen is attached to the petal, then it is called epipetalous e.g., brinjal and when the stamen is attached to the perianth then it is said to be epiphyllous e.g., lily.
Cohesion of stamens :
The stamens may be free or united. When the stamens are free then they are called polyandrous and when stamens are united in a single bundle, then it is called monoadelphous, as in china rose, when they are united in two bundles, then it is called diadelphous e.g. pea and when united into more than two bundles it is called polyadelphous e.g., Citrus