Science, asked by ArchiJais, 6 months ago

Should China be punished for its contribution to the global spread of coronavirus? ( 300 words max)​


Answered by evonann2007


The reason for coronavirus spread globally is globalisation, because of globalisation people started to go to every places in search of job opportunities ,for business, for medical treatments ,etc. So from the birth place of the coronavirus Vuhan, many people travel to other places had started to spread this virus. Now because of the developed transportation methods it spread widely within a short time. Many countries are depending on China for many things because the goods producing there are very cheap and there industries had grown very fastly. So during importing and exporting viruses also spread fastly.

I hope this answer would help you. Thanks for asking .


Answered by divyabhanushali2015


Ten months into the pandemic, the course of life of almost every human being on the planet has changed.

One million people have so far died; multiple countries have been pushed into recession; 100 million people are facing the risk of extreme poverty; and there is a threat to global development.

it's time we punished the perpetrator of this "world war". Because this virus is the biggest threat to peace and life on earth.

And punishing the perpetrators of tragedies has been mandatory.

On September 11, 2001, al Qaeda terrorists carried out attacks in New York and Washington DC.

Over 2950 people were killed. The US responded by declaring a war on terror.

In 2011, al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was hunted and killed. He was made to pay for his crimes.

Let's say the coronavirus outbreak was not a deliberate act. But an accident, a virus leak. Or just a pandemic about which China continued to lie.

This is criminal too.

In 2011, an accident at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant killed 573 people. It was the second deadliest nuclear accident in history.

The company running the Fukushima nuclear plant was asked to pay damages worth 500 million yen.

The 1984 Bhopal Gas Tragedy killed 3,000 people.

The union carbide corporation was slapped with a settlement amount of $470 million dollars.

The most recent example can be of the Mauritius oil spill. A Japanese ship leaked more than 1,000 tonnes of fuel into the sea.

And the owner of the ship had to pay.

And as far as the blast in Beirut blast in August is concerned, more than 190 people were killed.

Thousands of homes and businesses were devastated, and Lebanon is being made to pay for it.

The president has signed a decree allocating 100 billion lebanese pounds ($66 million) as compensation.

In comparison, the coronavirus has done more damage to the world that any other calamity could do. It has permanently shut down countless businesses.

And they deserve compensation.

Not holding China accountable will be setting a wrong example. It would mean any rogue country can start a war or get away with criminal negligence, kill millions of people and businesses, and walk away with full impunity.

This is not how the global justice system works. And we need to set a precedent for our future generations to follow.

China must be punished at any cost.

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