English, asked by TEE11, 1 year ago

Should corporal punishment be abolished in schools


Answered by kvnmurty
Corporal punishment should be abolished.

Children don't generally listen to elders as they don't realize the consequences of what they do. So elders not having sufficient patience quickly punish children. They hope that the pain will make them obey them and remind them not to do mischievous acts.

But inflicting bad wounds and damaging children physically is cruelty. Punishment to that extent is not needed. Some schools punish like that in the fear that their school performance will go down.

Teachers and parents must find simple and love based measures to make their children do better things. Discipline and good conduct cannot be taught by severe punishments. Moreover, often revengeful bitter feelings take birth.

The best is logical reasoning directly with chilten. A gradual change in the minds of children will come . Trust and confidence of children is to be first before convincing them. Avoid the need for corporal punishment.

corporal punishment is below human dignity. It is opted by parents and teachers without proper culture and educational qualifications. Learned elders use better methods to impart wisdom and action to children.

As per the national educational policy corporal punishment is not allowed. Recently we have read and heard so many cases of permanent damage to students due to this. Also psychologists have advised against corporal punishment.
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