English, asked by Kanishka1386, 10 months ago

Should horoscopes be capitalized in a sentence?


Answered by Anonymous


Among the many mixed blessings bestowed on the world by technology is the ubiquitous word processor feature known as the spellchecker.

Spellcheck and it’s variants are useful assistants most of the time. AutoCorrect, for example, is a very helpful feature, able to not only detect many common errors and correct them on the fly but also, if so programmed, to immediately convert user-defined strings and abbreviations into words, phrases, or even entire paragraphs of text. That’s especially helpful if you use the same text or comment repeatedly (it’s sort of a poor-man’s macro feature).

There are situations, however, when the rules used by spellcheckers seem mysterious and arbitrary to us mere mortals.

I’m not going to try to decipher any of those mysterious rules here — I only want to point out some of the quirks of Microsoft Word’s AutoCorrect feature where capitalization is involved.

Yes: one of the things AutoCorrect does is “fix” capitalization for you. Once again, this is often very helpful (especially if you’re a bit too quick and/or lazy with the shift keys). But as with all the other corrections word processors make automatically for you, this isn’t one you should rely on blindly.

Answered by NotBh
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