Should india make voting compulsory debate small points
Just as one’s right to freedom of religion also includes the freedom to practice no religion, the right to vote, includes the right not to vote.
Voting is a right in a democracy and should not be made compulsory. People exercise their right to vote by choosing the candidate they feel is the best for the job. If they choose not to vote then that IS their choice. If voting were to be mandatory, the main problem would be that it means that we are no longer in a free and democratic society. This would be one of the first steps on a long slippery slope towards a dictatorship.
Mandatory voting violates the freedom of choice. Even if it is implemented , it will lead to random voting and may lead to political instability. For instance, considering people having no knowledge about the politics going on in the country, they can't make a appropriate decision for which party to vote. In many areas of the country , people aren't aware of the policies and activities undertaken by parties.
Abstention is the third way, maybe the strongest, because it's a direct and open critic to the system . For this reason abstention is considered the "democracy sentinel" vote. It's an open request to take care of the State, with the capital S. Giving people the possibility to tick an hypothetical "abstention box" would not be the same thing .