Should there be an ethics of technology ?
Definitely, all the science and technology need ethics to be maintained so that we humans do not harm others and the Earth for our benefits.
The ethics in technology helps humans to build moral grounds on which each technology is used. A technology is made for making the life of humans better but if that technology is used by a human to harm others or the earth, then is can be a disaster.
Ethical grounds are set for the following purpose:
- To ensure humans do not harm others
- To ensure humans do not harm the environment
- To ensure that latest technologies create a positive impact
- To manage the technology
Hence, considering what disasters the wrong usage of a technology can do, ethics in technology need to be thoroughly followed.
Definitely, all the science and technology need ethics to be maintained so that we humans do not harm others and the Earth for our benefits. The ethics in technology helps humans to build moral grounds on which each technology is used.