should today's youth be given 'freedom of speech' justify your answer
Freedom of speech is one of, if not the most essential first amendment right in the running of a successful democracy. Freedom of speech is what allows for debate and what, along with freedom of the press, allows for the transfer of information, and is also the most powerful right for affecting social and political change.Freedom of speech lies at the core of democracy. It is a right so crucial to freedom and the function of our government that it was the first right listed on our Bill of Rights. Free speech creates an environment for people to freely discuss their ideas and develop them with the input of others. Without it, our country would almost undoubtedly be without the freedom we treasure so much. When a totalitarian ruler is trying to take power, one of the first things they limit is their freedom of speech. This goes to show that freedom of speech is the cornerstone of our entire governmental system.
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