English, asked by 8570898671, 1 year ago

Show article on crime against women/girl in 120 words


Answered by priya182
now a days crime against woman and girls are rising as many of the womans are facing domestic violence from there dominating husbands and are thinking that they are supirer to their wifes and start biting them sometimes when they do small mistakes or sometimes without any reason and treat them as their pets
Answered by mdnasir
These points may help you.... -Women have been given a high place of respect in our scriptures. 

-This has remained limited to books and media propaganda only. 

-It has been seen recently that women are not safe in public places in India. Our tourist destinations have been unable to provide any kind of security to female tourists from across the world. 

-Reputation of places like Mumbai and Goa, once seen as safe havens for women, has also been tainted by wrong doers. 

-There have been reports of molestation and rape from across the country. 

-At times, the public watches silently, as helpless spectators, while a woman gets eve-teased in front of their eyes. 

-Travelling alone was always full of risks; now travelling even with a male companion is scary. 

-The nature of crimes against women is truly horrifying. 

-Their jewellery and purses are snatched, their person is violated and brutally attacked. 

-What is required is sea-change in our attitude to women. 

-Strict law enforcement and stricter laws to deal with offenders are the need of the hour.
Centuries have come, and centuries have gone, but the plight of women is not likely to change. T ime has helplessly watched women suffering in the form of discrimination, oppression, exploitation, degradation, aggression, humiliation . In Indian society, woman occupies a vital position and venerable place. The Vedas glorified women as the mother, the creator, one who gives life and worshipped her as a ‘Devi' or Goddess. But their glorification was rather mythical for at the same time, in India women found herself totally suppressed and subjugated in a patriarchal society. Indian women through the countries remained subjugated and oppressed because society believed in clinging on to orthodox beliefs for the brunt of violence—domestic as well as public, Physical, emotional and mental . Male violence against women are worldwide phenomenon. Fear of violence is an important factor in the lives of most women. Fear of violence is the cause of lack of participation in every sphere of life. There are various forms of crime against women. Sometimes it is even before birth, some times in the adulthood and other phrases of life. In the Indian society, position of women is always perceived in relation to the man. This perception has given birth to various customs and practices. Violence against women both inside and outside of their home has been a crucial issue in the contemporary Indian society. Women in India constitute near about half of its population and most of them are grinding under the socio-cultural and religious structures. One gender has been controlling the space of the India 's social economic, political and religious fabric since time immemorial. The present study felt the need that in the era of globalization and modernization the present trends of crimes against women is on increase. Recently the brutal gang rape against 23 year student in Delhi again sparked the debate on Indian mental set up and existing law and order in the Country.
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