Chemistry, asked by ysingh00185, 1 month ago

Show that Aluminum is an active metal by experimenting on it.

What to do:

a) watch video DEMIC for reference.

b) Perform two activities based on the video with aluminum foil and click photograph while doing so.

c) Note down the observations.

Where to do: On a 4-size sheet write your views, paste photographs showcasing the usage of Aluminum

foil also write about its role in creating pollution in the environment

please answer it correctly ​


Answered by garvitagarwal1111


do u know ????


A Class V teacher takes an aluminum foil and puts it in water and shows that it floats. She then crumples and squeezes the foil tightly and puts it in the water again and shows to the students that it sinks. She then asks the students to think and give reasons why this has happened. Which one of the following process skills will be used in answering the question

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