Show that the collection of all measurable sets contains the collection of all borel sets
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χA: characteristic function of A.
χA(x)=1 if x∈A , χA(x)=0 if x∉A,
I need to find or prove the existence of a sequence of positive continuous functions, increasing to converge to χA, then I could use the basic theorem of measure theory to put all the functions borel measurable in the set. Any help is appreciated, I try with step functions but dont result.
χA(x)=1 if x∈A , χA(x)=0 if x∉A,
I need to find or prove the existence of a sequence of positive continuous functions, increasing to converge to χA, then I could use the basic theorem of measure theory to put all the functions borel measurable in the set. Any help is appreciated, I try with step functions but dont result.
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